The Best Free Event Marketing Channels to Grow Your Event

Your event’s scheduled, now how do you get people to show up? Let’s explore the best free marketing channels you need to implement to make your event a success.

Email, Pricing, and Social. These are the best free event marketing channels out there. Some people think other marketing channels are better. I’m gonna give you a little more detail on the execution of Email, Pricing, and Social are best, but before I do let me run through all the channels I use to grow events, just so you don’t think I’m overlooking a channel. Here’s all the free channels I use: email, price increases, price promotions, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, business partners, friends & family, business contacts, meet ups, professional & amateur groups, clubs and organizations, event calendars, Facebook groups, and your host venue.

Watch to see how to use the best free event marketing: Email, Pricing, and Social.

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