Are Amazon Shipping Box Ads a Fit for Your Brand?

2019-02-25T11:44:57-07:00By |

Amazon box advertising started in 2015 as a way for the biggest brands with the biggest markets to promote a product in a unique way. Not much has change for these shipping box ads. They are still out of reach for small businesses and small brands to incorporate in [...]

Increase Your Event’s Ticket Sales with Retargeting

2019-01-09T10:55:00-07:00By |

It’s time turn up the dial on the marketing for your event. It’s time to start paying for ads! We’re going to start with the most cost-efficient ads, the ads that drive the greatest return on investment, and magnify the effects of all your other marketing. I’m talking about [...]

A Pricing Strategy to Make Your Event Marketing Work

2018-06-19T14:35:58-06:00By |

How A Solid Pricing Strategy and Good Incentives Lead to Advance Ticket Sales Recently I executed an event marketing campaign for one of the country’s largest craft breweries here in Colorado. The brewery wanted to promote their annual beer festival where a massive number of breweries come together to [...]

Your Customers are NOT Rational. So Stop Being Rational.

2017-11-11T07:40:14-07:00By |

Today we’re talking emotions, rationality, and the brain. And you’re going to learn why it’s so important to cater to your customer’s emotions with your marketing. If you’re unsure of what emotional marketing looks like, don’t worry. If you’re alive, and watching this, you’ve seen plenty of emotional ads. [...]

Taglines are dead. Brand Adjectives Required.

2017-03-30T14:34:19-06:00By |

The other day my brother (@whitworksbakery) came to me for some branding advise. Patrick is in the process of starting up a bakery and he wanted my feedback a tagline for his bakery. I thought, great, I’m going to have to tell my bro that taglines are dead. Instead [...]

Maximize Your Profits With This Simple Calculation

2017-03-30T14:43:10-06:00By |

Do you know the lifetime value of your customer? No? Let’s change that. Customer Lifetime Value is one of the most useful marketing, and really overall business metrics. However, when I talk to most startups and small businesses they have no clue what their customer lifetime value is. Customer [...]

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