Best Formats to Maximize Instagram Ad Performance

2019-03-13T13:53:43-06:00By |

As Instagram's user base grows, so does the amount of ads on the platform. Some ads are MUCH better than others. We focus on the visual ratios and formats available to advertisers in the Instagram feed. What ad ratios marketers should be using and which ad ratios to avoid. [...]

A Pricing Strategy to Make Your Event Marketing Work

2018-06-19T14:35:58-06:00By |

How A Solid Pricing Strategy and Good Incentives Lead to Advance Ticket Sales Recently I executed an event marketing campaign for one of the country’s largest craft breweries here in Colorado. The brewery wanted to promote their annual beer festival where a massive number of breweries come together to [...]

I Sold My Business Using Facebook Ads for an ROI of over 100,000%

2017-04-28T16:56:45-06:00By |

Initiating the Sale. Happiness was suffering I needed a life change. I was averaging 80 hour work weeks; that’s pretty much 12 hour days, 7 days a week… I was regularly traveling from Thursday to Saturday night for work, and these weren’t fun work trips. These were 18+ hour [...]

The Email Marketing Mistake Causing You To Lose Money

2017-04-13T07:56:37-06:00By |

Email is the MOST effective marketing channel, yet you may be making this critical mistake that's crippling your results. Watch this post to learn what that mistake is, how to avoid it, and take a look at brands like GoPro and Apple doing email right...and other brands, big and [...]

Your Customers are NOT Rational. So Stop Being Rational.

2017-11-11T07:40:14-07:00By |

Today we’re talking emotions, rationality, and the brain. And you’re going to learn why it’s so important to cater to your customer’s emotions with your marketing. If you’re unsure of what emotional marketing looks like, don’t worry. If you’re alive, and watching this, you’ve seen plenty of emotional ads. [...]

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